20 ways to upbeat your startup in 10 days

4 min readFeb 18, 2021

What are you working on in the next 10 days?

If you’re like most early-stage founders, your answer is likely a variation of; answering emails, following up on outreach activities, team meetings, meeting with potential clients, partners, investors, prepping pitches, presentations, or speeches, and trying to plan smart and cost-efficient ways to grow your business.

Sounds familiar?

It probably does, because this is entrepreneurship life as most of us know it. And these day-to-day activities, no matter how tedious they may seem, are more or less unavoidable when running a company.

But if you take a minute to think about it, are these activities actively contributing to getting you closer to reaching your goals?

As an exercise, ask yourself how your previous 10 days made a difference.
Is your startup exponentially further along the startup journey, and closer to your goals, than just 240 hours ago?

If your answer is No, that’s ok, we’re not trying to guilt-trip you.

But the truth is that working at the speed of a startup, your answer should always be Yes! And frankly, by not tapping into the opportunity to focus your time on things that will give you a better ROI, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to get your startup closer to success!

Does that mean that your work is not good, or that you don’t do enough?
On the contrary. Your work is probably impeccable, and I’m sure you’re working your ass off to get where you want to go. But we want to argue that you can spend your next 240 hours better!

By being conscious and actively choosing what and how to spend your time, you will be able to do more value-driven work, that will get you where you want to go faster, and with less effort.

To help you with his, we at Upbeater have compiled a list of 20 things you can do intentionally in 10 days to upbeat your startup!

Note. There are many more things you can do, but this will get you started.
It’s not really about WHAT you do, but that you DO SOMETHING intentionally, that will make a difference.

Also, if you want our help, you’ll find out how Upbeater can support below.


To get the best outcome, follow these 3 steps before you get going:

  1. Choose a day to start.
    Tips. Many people like starting on Mondays, however, starting on a Thursday or Friday will give you 2 weekends.
  2. Set clear intentions & goals with defined takeaways for your 10 days. What will you be focusing on?
    Tips. Choose 1 main thing from the list for every 10 days. If you don’t know what to choose, we recommend asking your customers what can be improved.
  3. Get rid of distractions — put everything you don’t absolutely have to do aside for the next 10 days.

Now you’re ready to get going, here’s what you can do in 10 days that will get you exponentially closer to reaching your goals (split into categories):


  • Review and work on your product/market fit & positioning
  • Develop or update your commercial strategy
  • Deep dive into your marketing activities and analytics
  • Build an employer branding or recruitment strategy


  • Update your social profiles
  • Update your website
  • Update all your marketing materials
  • Look over your branding as a whole


  • Create X pieces of content (graphics, text, etc.) — can you do 2/day?
  • Take professional pictures that you can use instead of stock photos
  • Record videos or audio that you can use in the future
  • Plan for or host events/workshops/webinars


  • Define your target audience & build MQL lists
  • Brainstorm growth hacking ideas, plan how to test them, & track results
  • Run ads/campaigns — anything from awareness to conversion
  • Focus on sales/conversions for 10 days


  • Send your team to events/workshops/courses etc. for skill development
  • Do team-building activities (especially important in these times)
  • Do 1–1s to take the pulse of your colleagues
  • If you’re hiring, focus on recruitment and onboarding

What would you do if you had 10 days to intentionally upbeat your startup?
Feel free to comment on what you think we should add to the list!

Last, here’re 2 ways we at Upbeater can help:




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